General Stuff

This server is on the big SJW blocklist. Which is a shame, because I don't discriminate against them here, but the feeling isn't mutual. So there may be some federation limitations that I can do nothing about. Its their immaturity that's the problem here and something out of my hands.

Rules and Terms of Service

I'm not big on rules or telling people what to do, but... this is my server so I suppose there are a few limitations you should be aware of.

Now, obviously I'm big on free speech, as the domain name and general instance theme suggests. So I'm mainly interested in promoting discussion of philosophy, ethics, politics, even shitposts, really anything that floats your boat.

If you wish to contact me regarding what you feel is a violation or problem that may require my attention, feel free to contact me, you do NOT need to have an account on

I'd like to be able to federate nicely with others, but I also understand that some servers are just not into open discussion of ideas that might not be popular. I don't want to get a reputation as a cesspool of hate and bigotry, but if some people can't take the heat then its ok for them to leave the kitchen.

This server is backed up to a remote site daily. If something terrible happens, I'll get it back up ASAP, its intended to be a permanent site.